Who Gives a Shit: Waiting on Line For the Latest Craze

Photo via Dominique Ansel's Twitter
Growing up, I remember being all like "WOAH" when I heard tales of peeps in the USSR waiting in lines for HOURS just to get a sack of potatoes or a pair of jeans or a roll of toilet paper. Some thirty years later, I'm all like "WHOA," as here in NYC, we've long since destroyed them commies & moved on to create our own early-morn queues for fanciful, five dollar, Frankenstein pastries known as cronuts.
Since the cronut's introduction at Dominique Ansel Bakery about a month ago, the hybrid croissant-donut has garnered so much buzz that sheep start lining up around sunrise for a chance to be one of the lucky folks who get their hands on a couple of that day's 200-or-so cronuts. People have scalped them on Craigslist for up to $200 for five. It's f'n ridiculous. Shit...I can get ten beamers for that price on Craigslist. As such, the treat's developed backlash at a pace that makes The Strokes look like a long-beloved band.