Juniors Owner Turns Down $45 Million

Photo credit: Kristen Luce/New York TimesThe original Junior’s Restaurant on Flatbush and Dekalb was saved at the eleventh hour when owner Alan Rosen rejected a $45 million offer for the building.
Why did Rosen turn down that ridiculous amount of money? Because “this is Junior’s identity, is this building. This is the one where I came on my first dates,” he told the New York Times. Clearly, the cheesecake business must be good that he can turn down $45 million just because he got nostalgic at the last minute. Which it may be, seeing as how they already have locations at Times Square, Grand Central and Foxwoods Casino, perfectly situated to exploit the tourist industry. In fact, had he sold the building, Rosen had plans for a new Junior’s flagship elsewhere in Brooklyn.