Boundless Brooklyn Cashes in on Kentile Signs Nostalgia
The Kentile Floors Sign's proverbial bed is still warm and the nostalgia mafia has already found a way to cash in. Boundless Brooklyn, a model shop and "certified Brookln Made brand," designed, built, packaged and has begun selling a minature model kit of the recently dismantled sign.
The nostalgia-bait model stands tall at 8 inches, or 1/132 scale for those of us who spend the time and energy to find the original sign's height and do the math (look at you, Brooklyn Paper), and is made of 100% recycleable material so you can feel progressive while bathing in nostalgia. “It was important to us that if the sign wasn’t around to see, we at least could honor that it was important for a lot of other people,” said David Shulman co-head of Boundless Brooklyn. Despite being from Florida, it appears Shulman really understands our borough; is there anything more Brooklyn that immortalizing the sign of an asbestos flooring factory using environmentally friendly materials? You can finally have your cake and eat it too thanks to Kentile Floors and Boundless Brooklyn.
Unsurprisingly, the Kentile Floors model is selling out. Brooklyn nostalgia is hot stuff! Brooklynites old and new, here and abroad, just can't get enough of it. “This is a small way of saying [the Kentile Floor sign] is still there,” Shulman said, presumably pointing at his heart. As long as it comes without the asbestos.
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