When Harry Met Sally Met Brooklyn Hipsters...
Despite technically taking place across the river, “When Harry Met Sally…” exemplifies the yuppie romantic comedy many hope to live out in Brooklyn: on again/off again hook ups, dinner parties, over-thought opinions about how the two sexes interact and the occasional racy conversation about orgasms. The only significant difference between us and the characters in the movie is that, thanks to Meg Ryan, our generation knew women were fully capable of faking an orgasm before we knew what an orgasm was.
Well, here’s your chance to (kinda) live in. Forced Meme Productions will host an interactive screening of “When Harry Met Sally…” this September at, where else, The Bell House. What’re interactive screenings? According to Forced Meme, they’re “live experiences centered around recut editions of beloved films featuring Rocky Horror Picture Show-style interactive elements alongside Pop Up Video-style trivia, tailored for both superfans and first-timers.” Forced Meme previously organized an interactive screening for “You’ve Got Mail,” leading one to wonder if they have some kind of Meg Ryan fetish. Then again, who didn’t at one point or another?
Just remember, if they make you play Pictionary, “baby fish mouth” is not a thing.
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