Whassup: No More Vortex Edition

via ynefesh.com
Well, you've survived the Polar Vortex. (Unless you haven't, in which case, stop reading blogs, ghost.) No doubt we are all scarred by the horrid frigidness we have endured. You deserve something warm to bring the feeling back to your fingertips and to coax your testicles back out of your abdomen: the burn of whiskey-neat down your throat, the palm rosening of vigorous applause, the sexy shaking of one's booty. So, shed your unflattering parka and enjoy some of Brooklyn. Welcome to Whassup: No More Vortex Edition:
* Friday, Jan. 10: Dave Hill's Bathroom Secrets, Union Hall: The only thing better about this show than its ridiculous/awesome name ("Meet Me in the Bathroom and Tell Me All Your Secrets") is the fact that the ridiculously awesome Dave Hill is at the helm. Also, it ACTUALLY TAKES PLACE IN THE BATHROOM!! Jk, that's not true. But Dave Hill will charm the laughter right out of you with his understated weirdness. Fantastic comedian Jackie Kashian headlines the music and comedy variety show. 8pm, $10.
* Sunday, Jan 12: No Pants Subway, Old Stone House: This thing just seems to me like another big, stupid, dumb thing much like that stupid Santa Con thing. But, hey, some of you might like Santa Con, too. So, go be pantsless in public. As long as you don't have gross legs. Be honest with yourself. Anyway, one of the meetup points will be in the Slope at the Old Stone House, 3pm.