WHASSUP: It's Officially Summer Edition

The solstice has come and gone—Summer has officially begun. You have precious little time to soak up vitamin D before winter rears its ugly head and chases us all back inside for another treacherous bout with the elements. Until then, I suggest you get thee out thee house. Find patios and rooftops on which to enjoy cold seasonal brews and fruity, frozen cocktails. Get to the water AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! Hop off the train a couple stops early and enjoy the walk.
This time of year is to be treasured. I don’t want to hear “I’m too hot.” No! Stop it right there. Get in shape, wear less clothes, bathe in a lake. Make it work, people.
Summer pep talk aside, there are some great goings-on that I want to tell you about. Some are most certainly better than others, but I suggest you take it all in and form your own opinions. Do you like sports? Music? Drinking? Video games? I want to know! Tell me all your inner outings desires and I’ll work hard to curate the best damn list of urban adventures this side of Newtown Creek—look it up.
What’s that you ask? Whassup? Here’s Whassup: