WHASSUP: Throw Down Edition

Not to be confused with Solange, this week is a melange of culture, booze, and utter violence—each element balancing the next. You'll get some time under the stars, dance a bit, and veg out after a long day's work.
Enjoy yourselves, people. We only walk this walk once as far as I know, so it's high time you live it up in this 'hood we call home. It's about to get hot as fuck outside and I suggest you factor that in to your leisure management. Read a book in the park, go for a jog, find a bar with a great backyard, and revel in this pseudo-Spring because, like most everything else, it will not last forever.
So, my good people, WHASSUP? This is WHASSUP:
Thursday, 6/12, People Under the Stairs, Littlefield: These guys are pioneers in the indie hip hop movement. I am decidedly not cool enough to attend, but I’m hoping that you understand underground hip hop and will be ready to throw down. Word of advice: leave the “Roger Rabbit” and “Cabbage Patch” at home. $17-$20, 8pm doors, 9pm show
Friday, 6/13, Shakespeare at Sunset: King Lear, Brooklyn Bridge Park: This event is calling your name. It’s an evening of free theatre under the stars and features a play by the bard, himself. Yeah, reading Shakespeare in High School was boring as shit, but with good actors to breath life into the time-honored text, the play will be electrifying. FREE, 7pm
Saturday, 6/14, Brooklyn Boxing: Provonikov vs. Algieri, Barclay Center: I don’t condone violence, but if two dudes want to serve up a beat down on their own accord I’m not going to stand in their way. In truth I’ve never been to a boxing match. The closest I’ve come was cheering on Macho Man Randy Savage whilst I was an impressionable youth. Close enough. tickets from $30, 7pm
Sunday, 6/15, The World’s Biggest Jerkoff 2, The Bell House: I think this may be an evening about my next door neighbor who refuses to say good morning. I all honesty, I just couldn’t ignore this title. I have no idea what this evening will entail, so if you overhear anything about an “ookie cookie” get the hell out. $15, 2pm-4pm
Monday, 6/16, Happy Hour, Greenwood Park: Kick back after a hard day of work with a cold beer and some great food at this 13,000 sq. ft. behemoth of a beer garden. I discovered this place last weekend and kicked myself from not knowing about it sooner. In all fairness I’m afraid of ghosts and the proximity is a little rich for my blood. Regardless, they got every detail right from the redone auto shop to the pallet perimeter. $2 off select drinks until 7pm
Tuesday, 6/17, Slavic Soul Party, Barbés: This choice comes to you because Barbés does not disappoint and my building’s handy man calls himself Mr. Slavic—seriously, he has his own business cards. One time Mr. Slavic regaled me about his special Russian glue, which at first I thought was a dirty come-on, but have since determined to be contraband. $10, 9pm
Wednesday, 6/ 18, Meet Me in the Bathroom and Tell Me All Your Secrets, The Bell House: Ah, if I had a nickel for every bathroom secret I’ve amassed over the years…people would call me the creepy dude who hangs out in the bathroom. This show promises to be all comedy-like and Tobias the never nude is on the ticket. You can’t go wrong! $25 advance, $30 day of show, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show