FiPS Food Throwdowns: Thai Edition

FIPS Food Throwdowns is a series where we order the same exact thing from two different Park Slope restaurants and evaluate which was better. It's a culinary smack down...a triumph of the will of sorts.
Oh Park Slope. Home to what has to be more Thai restaurants per capita than anywhere else in Brooklyn. Two or three isn't enough for your insatiable craving for Thai. No no no. You need a dozen Thai restaurants to calm your bloodlust and for every one that collapses & dies, another one always springs up to take its place. For me, my heart still bleeds for the first Thai restaurant I ever visited in Park Slope, over a decade ago--T Thai (RIP).
For today's Throwdown, we're pitting one of the neighborhood's older Thai joints--Song--against one of the relative newcomers to the hood--Nahm Thai. When we're done, they'll have smacked each other so silly that one will eventually drop to the mat and the other will be declared ULTIMATE VICTOR. That is unless, after sampling food from both, we end up in a THAI.