Top thread this morning from Brooklynian Park Slope...
stopdoingthis Tue Apr 27, 10 9:46 pm EST
If you're considering offing yourself during my commute, please reconsider, and go upstairs and jump in front of a truck instead of jumping in front of the train. Thank you!
canyontothesky Tue Apr 27, 10 11:33 pm EST
this seems to be happening so frequently lately. I only moved to PS a year ago, though, so, is it always like this?
the0ther Wed Apr 28, 10 12:35 am EST
maybe you should move to japan where they send the bill to your family if your loved-ones jump in front of a train?
Hamilton Wed Apr 28, 10 6:32 am EST
That only applies for the ones they can't use as sushi.
I'm chagrined to admit, I kind of guffawed into my coffee cup. And who knew that Japan actually bills suicide charges to survivor's families?
But it does beg the question. Perhaps the F train could start offering platform counseling services to troubled commuters.
What do you think?