Watch Out For Post-Hurricane Thieves

Last night, we received an email from a worried FiPS reader who told us about a creepy man possibly trying to break into Park Slope apartment buildings on 2nd Street near 6th Avenue. Here's the account:
"We stopped someone who appeared to be trying to enter the Garden Apt in our building. It was at 3:20pm on Tuesday. He wore jeans, a nice black coat, large baseball cap, and large glasses, which practically covered his face. Basically, he fit into normal foot traffic. He was African American, about 5'9,'' early to mid 30s, about medium build. My wife noticed an outlined, gold tooth between the canine and two front teeth.
He walked his bike to the outside our house, approached the house with a package (which looked like an empty shipping package bag). He then rang that apt's doorbell, but no one came. He walked to the curb, checked to make sure that no one was looking, then quickly turned around slipped a work glove on and and pulled something out that looked like a key (After reviewing our camera footage many times, I see it's bigger then a key, more like a leather man tool). He approached the garden apartment door again and acted like he was going into his own apartment.