A Woman Was Groped on the 2 Train Last Night

Lest anyone has forgotten, last summer there were a string of sexual attacks around Brooklyn which, sadly, have all pretty much gone unsolved. Last night a brave FiPS reader (who shall remain anonymous) wrote in about an incident that happened to her on the 2 train:
"I was on the 2 train this evening around 6:00, and when the train was slowing to Bergen a guy stood and waited by the door I was sitting near. I was reading and not really paying attention to him (which I suppose made me a good target), and once the doors opened he reached over, grabbed my breast, and took off.
Out of my periphery I could tell he was wearing jeans and a bright blue and white striped sweatshirt, but I didn't see his face. I called the 78th precinct, and the officer I spoke to told me to call Transit District 32, and the officer I spoke to there said he couldn't take a report over the phone, and I haven't stopped at my local precinct yet, but figured I'd throw a heads up in case this isn't an isolated incident."
As of this moment this is the only incident we've been informed of, but everyone should remain vigilant. Ladies, make sure your pepper spray still works (just don't test it in the sink like one FiPS member did, or you will cough your ass off all night long).