Your Weekend Plans = RUINED FOREVER
Daily Intel is reporting that the MTA is working on fixing the F train. Of course, in typical MTA "let's do everything ass-backwards" fashion, things are gonna get a lot worse before they get even the tiniest bit better.
The weekends of February 20, February 27, May 8, May 15, May 22, November 13, and November 20, there will be absolutely no F train service. For extra funsies, the G train will also be shut down on those weekends.
Normally, I'm all like: I never want to leave Brooklyn anyway! The problem with train service being shut down? I can't get my friends to come to me if their only option for travel is a fucking shuttlebus. And really? THREE consecutive weekends in May? Just when the weather is getting nice and I actually feel motivated to put down the remote control and stop watching epic marathons of "Bang for Your Buck" on HGTV?
As always, thanks for nothing, MTA.