UPDATE (from Good For the Jews' Rob Tannenbaum): Let’s declare a tie for first: A pair of tickets each to mistresspix (“Jesus Christ. I'd crucify him in bed and then he'd rise again in three days for more”) and stegothesaurus (“Gilbert Gottfried. The screaming would be legendary among my neighbors, and I'd be so annoyed by him that we'd have really hot angry sex”). Both are severely disturbed and belong in the front row at Good For the Jews.
Please remind the losers—I mean, the runners-up that tickets are only $12 (less than a movie) using the FIPS discount code. If you have their names, I’ll make sure they’re on the guest list; if you have their emails, I’ll write to them and ask for their names. Thanks!
Ok, so if this question seems totally fucking bizarre to you, I'd understand why.
BUT, it will make total sense when you realize that the answer *could* win you two tix to a Good For the Jews show this Monday, Dec. 7th!
These crazy Heebs are putting the "Ha [back] in Hanukkah" for their 2009 tour. And in case you're not familiar, they do Jewish music for people who hate Jewish music--i.e no songs about dreidels or impromptu Israeli folk dancing.
Their special guest stars will be JDub Records band DeLeon, plus comedians Morgan Murphy and Seth Herzog, Mediaite.com writer Rachel Sklar, and other surprise funny peeps. The tour is sponsored by Jewcy.com.
Here's the scoop:
Monday, December 7, 2009
Doors at 6 pm, show at 8 pm
HighLine Ballroom
431 W. 16th St.
New York, NY 10011
Buy tickets at the HighLine Ballroom box office, online at
www.highlineballroom.com or by phone at 866.468.7619
So the one simple question of the day is: Which sexy assed Jew, living or dead, would you most like to get it on with and why?(and can I pre-emptively suggest that you do not suggest your wife, girlfriend or such other boring bullshit. Your shit needs to be c-r-e-a-t-i-v-e if you want results).
This time you should leave your email contact info in the comments (erica @ shuthefuckup dot com format is ok), so that we can get in touch with your ass after you drop your witty brilliance all over our faces.
You gotta be in it, to win it, bitches.