It's like some scraggly, bearded, irrelevant septuagenarian kinda-Minnesotan Jew once said back in the days when it actually meant something but ultimately didn't:
In the lonely village of what I suppose you could refer to as "Rumorsville, Brooklyn" we've learned that the times they are a changin' in Park Slope. Get ready for a yuppie in every brownstone!
Here's the deal...y'all recall how LOKI Lounge has been around for forevs...1999 & shit? Bar in the front, "lounge" in the back? Somewhat recently "secret" steakhouse 'round the bend? may have to reconsider your current stance on moving upstate & working on Maggie's farm because in Park Slope, the times they are a-TOTALLY changin'.
We've learned that, in the tradition of Christie's Patties & Sweet Melissa's & Zito's & enough businesses that we could count them on our collective proudly-flourishing pubic hairs, LOKI Lounge is getting priced out. In their case, it's only partially.
In short, they'll be getting a lil' bit of the halfsies treatment, as their landlord is rumored to be raising their monthly rent to an amount akin to one you might find in a mid-to-late-70's game show pyramid. Sorry nostalgia but goddamn if LOKI can still survive against that. Luckily, the landlord's not a total dick & has negotiated with them, so they're not Pete Seeger-esque dead. In the coming months, they'll be holding onto the "lounge" area, somewhat adjacent to Benchmark. The landlord will turn the prime spot on 5th & 2nd into something else. ALL HAIL UMAMI BURGER., going forward I guess that'll be your LOKI. Liquor in the back. Steak in the rear. You can already order Benchmark's food at LOKI anyhow, so...we, for one, welcome the change.