[My Favorite Park Slope...] Bus

Image vi ParkSlopeStoop.comI have a fondness for the B67 and B69 buses. It’s nice to have a convenient pair of buses that will take me to Barnes and Noble and Rite Aid, or home from buying expensive cheese at Union Market. Yes, these are distances I can and do walk, but in the winter, knowing there is a bus that will pick me up a block from home and drop me off outside my destination is the best. Especially when I make the idiotic decision to buy a gallon of milk when I'm a twenty-minute walk from home.
Let's forget about New Years Eve, when I went to Grand Army Plaza for the fireworks, watched the bus pass by from a block away, and walked a long way home without seeing another bus. And a few days after that, when the same thing happened to me on the way to Rite Aid in desperate need of cold meds and I walked there, sniffling, in the fucking slush.
These events were, of course, my own fault for bad timing, and nothing to do with the fine buses that take us up and down 7th Ave and all the way to Kensington or Williamsburg or Downtown Brooklyn, if we want them to. But why would we want them to? We’ve got everything we need right here in Park Slope.
Anyone want to make a case for a different Best Park Slope bus? The B61 is also pretty crucial for trips to IKEA for us car-less FIPSters.