Ok, so I don't watch Tyra...or tivo Tyra. And I gave up on America's Next Top Model like 10 years ago. But our friend Hell & Heartaches alerted us to a disturbing situation going down on Tyra's show:
"Yesterday's Tyra featured a debate between heterosexual single women who believe that husbands and children hold women back from reaching their full potential and married, heterosexual women who believe that women aren't complete until they've found a man and started a family."
What was the title of her show? Single, Childless Women vs. Married Mothers.
Ok, not very clever...and doesn't exactly roll of the tongue. But also, a TOTAL FUCKING RIPOFF OF BREEDERS vs. BALLERS.
I mean, right!?
You owe me some bank, bitch...
(via Jezebel)