Posted by:
Erica |
Friday, August 14, 2009 at 7:07AM

Parkslope Co-op Beer Girl - m4w - 29 (Park Slope Brooklyn )
Date: 2009-08-08, 12:04PM EDT
Wouldn't it be awesome if you saw this! You were the VERY cute Asian girl who was buying a LOT of beer at the Park Slope food Coop last Friday (August 7th) around 6:30PM. We traded a few looks while we were shopping. I was the tall guy with yellow T-shirt. It wasn't until u were at the register that I got the courage to say something (regarding the beer) - but then it was awkward with the cashier there etc. DAMN!
Anyways. you are super cute and i'd like to grab a beer with you sometime.
(via Craigslist)