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Entries by Felicia (43)


Don’t Be A Dinges, Take The Tour!

Whenever I am heading into Key Food on 7th Avenue on the weekend I’m faced with a Dinges dilemma. Do I take a detour from my journey to purchase a family size bottle of ketchup and give in to the imminent lure of the Vendy Award-winning Wafels & Dinges Food Truck? Of course I do. Wafels & Dinges are freakin’ irresistible.

Wafels & Dinges aren’t just about sweets; they have savory specials (this week was chicken & gravy with those eyes-rolling-in-the-back-of-your-head waffles on top. The ice cream of the week was Speculoos. WTF is Speculoos, you ask? That’s what I was thinking too. Luckily, the folks that work at the trucks are not bungholes and will gladly explain it to you; they are chill and dig their wafel lot in life.

For those who aren’t up on the marvels of Speculoos (as I wasn’t), they are traditional Belgian spice cookies that are sometimes mashed and made into a Nutella-like spread. W & D makes their own buttery, caramel gingerbread flavored version. The Speculoos ice cream is made by Mont Blanc ice cream, which is owned by a former Jean Georges pastry chef and friend of W&D’s Belgium-born owner Thomas DeGeest. One of the ingredients listed for Speculoos ice cream is “children’s laughter”. That sounds about right.

It’s no wonder the W&D truck has become so popular that it spawned a brick & mortar store in my former East Village hood. When W&D had a cart at the 9th street entrance to Prospect Park I would camp out in front of it bathing in a pool of my own drool. The cart is no longer there! I think a real W&D store in the slope would be a big hit. Show me the Dinges!

I’m not a W&D fan just because I like yummy, gooey stuff to cram in my face hole. They also use primarily local products (mostly from Brooklyn) and list ingredients such as “unicorn tears.”



Snap! Ka-Ching! Park Slope Kids Break Legs; Parents Sue  

Image via

Break a leg, kids! Nope, it’s not theater talk encouragement before your kid’s stage production of There Will Be Blood, it’s what’s been happening at Slope Park, the 6th Avenue and 18th street playground.

The south slope playground reopened this summer after it’s planned springtime opening was postponed due to many obstacles including a design change, damaged pipes and contractor delays. After the $2 million renovation was finally complete, it opened to the crunching sound of children’s bones breaking, followed closely by the rumbling of a trail of lawyers and lawsuits.

At least eight kids have snapped their foot on the mat surface underneath the too-low-to-the-ground Oodle Swing causing injury or broken bones. The results have been casts and crutches and lawsuits against the manufacturer of the swing as well as the Parks Department.

The Parks Department had the evil swing removed. The Oodle Swing will be replaced with a net climber because everyone knows children climbing to great heights never get injured. 



Cel-e-brate Good Times, Come On -- You Cheap Muthas!

So, you say you’re super psyched for Prospect Park’s new Lakeside? You can’t wait to go ice skating in your winter muff and roller skating in your springtime shorty shorts. Well prove it by coming to The Prospect Park Alliance Ball this Saturday night to celebrate its completion. The 26-acre extravaganza will transform Prospect Park’s Southeast corner. Everyone is going to rub up and down on their bedpost at the climax of this $74 million dollar project

Jen Moody Cunningham, special events manager of the Prospect Park Alliance gave FIPS the scoop. DJ Mikey Palms will be spinning at the ball. That’s the dude that owned South Paw! He’s a Brooklyn native who came of age before the borough’s Baby DJ classes. There will be a performance by the drumline Brooklyn United and a special appearance by the Gotham City Derby Girls. These chicks have names like Angela Slamsbury, Puss 'n Glutes and Violet Knockout. I bow and grovel before their fembot ways.



Barksy Wins 1st Prize In Park Slope Canine Costume Parade

Turns out, Banksy actually was in Park Slope this past weekend! Well, at least his canine counterpart, Barksy, was. Barksy took first prize in Sunday’s Howl-O-Ween costume contest in Prospect Park’s Long Meadow. Barksy came with his recent graffiti art on a white canvas, also known as one of his owners. He had spray paint cans on his back and was really just too cute, clever and cool for dog school. Barksy's owners are Park Slope residents Wendy and Gerry Hoey. They won a $150 gift certificate for Calm Energy Dog Training and a one-month membership to Go Fetch Run.



ICYMI: Buzzfeed Bores Us With Park Slope Parents Clichés

Image via last week’s Buzzfeed post “The 20 Most Annoying Things About Being A Park Slope Parent” the list begins by noting that it is only 1% of the parents that fit the steadfast media worthy stereotype of the PSP (Park Slope Parent). I beg to differ. I think it’s 2%; when I’m in a room with 100 PSP’s, two of them are undoubtedly neurotic and annoying and I’m not one of them. However, what really got my Agent Provocateur hemp undies in a bunch is these incessant articles about Park Slope’s anti-ice cream vendor parents & their gluten free lives that revolve around their kids’ stellar public schools and their Food Coop shifts. Yawn, yawn, yawn.

It even mentions the blue child’s hat backlash of more than half a decade ago. We’ve all heard the PSP stereotypes a googolplexian times. You lucky folks with kids in elite PS107’s Math Superstar’s program, like mine, probably already know from your children, that this is the largest number ever. Those who were zoned out are reading this wondering what a googolplexian is. Suckas! Wait? Did I just say that?! Um, OMG, am I one of them?! I can’t be! Nooooooo!!!!


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