Don’t Be A Dinges, Take The Tour!

Whenever I am heading into Key Food on 7th Avenue on the weekend I’m faced with a Dinges dilemma. Do I take a detour from my journey to purchase a family size bottle of ketchup and give in to the imminent lure of the Vendy Award-winning Wafels & Dinges Food Truck? Of course I do. Wafels & Dinges are freakin’ irresistible.
Wafels & Dinges aren’t just about sweets; they have savory specials (this week was chicken & gravy with those eyes-rolling-in-the-back-of-your-head waffles on top. The ice cream of the week was Speculoos. WTF is Speculoos, you ask? That’s what I was thinking too. Luckily, the folks that work at the trucks are not bungholes and will gladly explain it to you; they are chill and dig their wafel lot in life.
For those who aren’t up on the marvels of Speculoos (as I wasn’t), they are traditional Belgian spice cookies that are sometimes mashed and made into a Nutella-like spread. W & D makes their own buttery, caramel gingerbread flavored version. The Speculoos ice cream is made by Mont Blanc ice cream, which is owned by a former Jean Georges pastry chef and friend of W&D’s Belgium-born owner Thomas DeGeest. One of the ingredients listed for Speculoos ice cream is “children’s laughter”. That sounds about right.
It’s no wonder the W&D truck has become so popular that it spawned a brick & mortar store in my former East Village hood. When W&D had a cart at the 9th street entrance to Prospect Park I would camp out in front of it bathing in a pool of my own drool. The cart is no longer there! I think a real W&D store in the slope would be a big hit. Show me the Dinges!
I’m not a W&D fan just because I like yummy, gooey stuff to cram in my face hole. They also use primarily local products (mostly from Brooklyn) and list ingredients such as “unicorn tears.”