ICYMI: Buzzfeed Bores Us With Park Slope Parents Clichés

Image via http://www.everseradio.com/In last week’s Buzzfeed post “The 20 Most Annoying Things About Being A Park Slope Parent” the list begins by noting that it is only 1% of the parents that fit the steadfast media worthy stereotype of the PSP (Park Slope Parent). I beg to differ. I think it’s 2%; when I’m in a room with 100 PSP’s, two of them are undoubtedly neurotic and annoying and I’m not one of them. However, what really got my Agent Provocateur hemp undies in a bunch is these incessant articles about Park Slope’s anti-ice cream vendor parents & their gluten free lives that revolve around their kids’ stellar public schools and their Food Coop shifts. Yawn, yawn, yawn.
It even mentions the blue child’s hat backlash of more than half a decade ago. We’ve all heard the PSP stereotypes a googolplexian times. You lucky folks with kids in elite PS107’s Math Superstar’s program, like mine, probably already know from your children, that this is the largest number ever. Those who were zoned out are reading this wondering what a googolplexian is. Suckas! Wait? Did I just say that?! Um, OMG, am I one of them?! I can’t be! Nooooooo!!!!
Ok, I’m much more relaxed now. Sorry about the outburst. I took a break from writing to attend my Baby & Me CrossFit followed by family yoga class and then I got a good night’s sleep so I am feeling much more centered and present. I woke up with the whole gang smiling lovingly at me from our family bed. Now, before I run out back to grab some very local eggs from Attila the Hen who resides in our William-Sonoma urban backyard chicken coop to scramble for my gender neutral children’s breakfast, let me send a plea to Park Slope Parents as Halloween approaches. While trick or treating with your child who is sporting a Dracula wig with a silver stripe, please don’t shrug your shoulders casually telling anyone who will listen, “What can you do when your child insists on dressing as the Secretary of Homeland Security?” Come on! He doesn’t even know who Janet Napolitano is. He is dressed as Dracula, like it or not. Just blood sucking Dracula. It’s OK. It’ll be written about in The NY Times Motherlode blog by morning if you do this, so pipe down and just let little Sasha be a vampire for God’s sake!
I’m not the 1%-2% of PSP’s the media makes fun of. You are! See you at the Halloween Candy Buy-Back!
Are you weary of all the PSP mockery or are you one of them?