[What You Should Order At…] Nahm Thai Kitchen

Two words: Vegetarian Duck.
For someone who doesn’t eat meat, there’s no greater delicacy than vegetarian duck (also known as mock duck ). It’s basically a seitan concoction that is stewed in a shit-ton of soy sauce and MSG. When my husband and I lived in Chelsea, we would get our fix at a place called Home on Eighth that has since closed. When we were childless and he worked in the East Village, we would go to Pukk. Now that we live in Park Slope, and don’t venture further than the 3rd Street playground, we go to Nahm. I’m sorry, that was misleading. I should have said Nahm comes to us. We’ve never actually been inside.
The Nahm menu features every classic Thai dish an American has come to expect. But here’s where they set themselves apart: every entree can be ordered with…you guessed it…VEGETARIAN DUCK! So the vegetarian never, ever feels left out. Your friend’s calling in an order of Sweet and Sour Beef? Ha! No problem! You order the Sweet and Sour VD! Your parents are in town and want Peanut Curry with Chicken? Fine! You get Peanut Curry with VD! Your ex-girlfriend tempts you with spicy noodles and shrimp? You’ll show her with spicy noodles and your VD!