[My Favorite Park Slope…] Salted Chocolate Chip Cookie

Remember a few years back when salt suddenly became a BFD? There were those rainbow colored salts (Red Sea Salt! Black Lava Salt!) at Williams Sonoma that became everyone’s go-to last minute gift, and there was that book—literally titled Salt —in the window of every bookstore in the city? Then Blue Marble added salt to its topping list, and for only seventy-five cents you could get it sprinkled on your ice cream? And then that store opened in the Village, the artisanal salt store, which will sells SALT STARTER SETS and suggests that you “look at each salt up close, admiring the extraordinary range of shapes and colors, noting how they refract, reflect, or obscure light?”
Of course, one of the most common places to find salt nowadays is atop your chocolate chip cookie. From the UWS to SoHo to FiDi to PS, the SCCC has become a coffee shop staple.
So, without further ado, the award for best SCCC in Park Slope goes to…Konditori! The Konditori SCCC is a nice, manageable size (giant cookies are ridiculous), has a soft center (hard cookies are a bummer), and it is super-salty (otherwise, what’s the point?). Congratulations to the Swedes!
And by the way, salt is a BFD, and it really does make that Blue Marble ice cream taste way better.