Image via Gothamist.comHave you heard about the completely glass master bedroom and bathroom in Cobble Hill where a fabulous looking couple (he’s a Versace model, she works for the UN but has a sick bod) f*** all night long with whips and chains in giant squirrel costumes with Marie Antoinette wigs? There’s a reclaimed teak seating platform on Court Street and you only have to wait in line for 45 minutes to get your viewing wristband (good for 15 minutes worth of FREE viewing!). You can even grab an artisanal popcorn and Blue Sky Organic Root Beer from the new food truck, PornCorn, which parks on the corner of Court and President. Cobble Hill Cinemas is pissed because their ticket sales have gone down 80% in just one week, but come on, who wants to watch Oprah in a serious role anyway??? It’s summertime baby!