Ben Folds Will Play For An All White (Wearing) Audience in Prospect Park

Everyone knows that white is the most formal of formal attire, reserved for the most important people at their most important events. Like people who go to a Ben Folds concert in Prospect Park. BF’s performance will be part of the entertainment at a picnic this Saturday to raise money for the Prospect Park Alliance. The event will enforce a strict all-white-everything dress code.
"Wearing all white boils down to a unifying theme of the evening,” said Nicole Benjamin-Sathre, co-founder of Hand Made Events, as if that wouldn't be the theme of a Ben Folds show in Prospect Park, regardless of dress code. "It’s very beautiful. It’s simple and elegant. When you get a whole crowd of people doing it, everything flows together," she goes on to say, coming dangerously close to sounding like a conservative in a Onion article. And why is white so important to the event? "You wouldn’t get the same effect if people were in purple and green or anything!” So white is the only unifying color that would create a welcoming atmosphere of casual elegance . Not purple, not green and certainly not black, brown, red nor yellow!