Who Gives A Shit: Are Park Slope Moms Undersexed?
Posted by:
Erica |
Friday, October 9, 2009 at 8:39AM

Our new fave FIPS reader L. pointed us on over to this deliciously fantastic Craigslist post in the Rants & Raves BK section:
"Just took a walk around Park Slope.
Saw about twelve hot moms, they all looked like they hadn't gotten laid in forever, but were hot.
So ladies/moms of Park Slope and other mom-heavy areas, are you undersexed? And if so, need some assistance?"
The dude (I assume its a dude) even included a PSP logo in his post!
ZOMG, this is such a killer who gives a shit question, riiiiight!?
So here it is: Are Park Slope moms undersexed?
You know what to do, people.
Again, answer in the comments (and feel free to go stealth anon if you want some priv-ass-y).