It's hard to belive that Fall is here. The summer was so mild that it's almost impossible to tell that we've entered the season of pretty leaves and apple picking. For many, it's their favorite season—a final reprieve before the icy throws of winter.
This week is unlike any I've written. Almost all of the events were submitted by our followers, which means the people are listening. It also means I didn't have to bust my ass scrounging around for events this week. So...if you have a rad event you'd like to share, hit us up and we'll try to include it.
WHASSUP with user submitted events? This is WHASSUP:
Friday, 9/26, The Wonderful World of Boning: Sex Ed With a Sense of Humor, Union Hall: As far as I’m concerned, “boning” is the ultimate term of endearment, and what better way to learn the ins and outs (see what I did there?) than to relive the horrors of middle school by watching sex ed videos with strangers? I’ll bring the popcorn. $8, 7:30pm doors, 8pm show
Saturday, 9/27, V to Shining V, Soda Bar: Concerned about practicing safe boning? The women of Lady Parts Justice have some fun in store for you! You can learn all of the intricacies of protecting access to reproductive health while registering to vote. Yeah, we don’t see the connection either. FREE, 6pm-8pm
Sunday, 9/28, Atlantic Antic, Atlantic Avenue: If you’ve got a yearning for churros, alt. rock, and sock vendors, have I got the event for you. If you’ve been in these parts for a bit you’ve surely seen the shitshow that is Atlantic Antic. It’s street fair meets stoop sale meets too many people in one place meet road closings. FREE, 12pm-6pm
Monday, 9/29, 10th Anniversary Soiree, Applewood: Can you believe it’s been 10 years already? They grow up so quickly. Show up for some great celebratory cocktails and a frolicking jaunt down memory lane. $12 small plates, 6pm-10pm
Tuesday, 9/30, The Fancy Show, Bar Reis: First off—and I’ve said it before—bar Reis is cool. There’s multiple levels, a dungeon-esque basement, and outdoor patio. Add some comedy to those digs and you’re in a good place. Free, 8:30pm
Wednesday, 10/1, Ask Me Another, Guest V.I.P. Ethan Hawke, The Bell House: Our neighbor, the Hawke, who we spotted bro’ing down with James Franco on his stoop, is on tap as the special guest at this eclectic trivia night. Pop quiz: What’s your favorite Ethan Hawke movie? Ours is most def Reality Bites. No, Dead Poets Society. No, White Fang. Fuck! $20 adv, $25 door, 6:30pm doors, 7:30pm show
Thursday, 10/2, Rachel Garniez, Barbés: Join this local chanteuse for an evening of story songs as she accompanies herself on one of the many instruments in her arsenal. $10, 8pm