Whassup: Celebrating Brooklyn Edition

If you didn't see it, yesterday, BRIC finally announced the lineup for this summer's Celebrate Brooklyn series in the Bandshell. I say "finally" not because I'm inpatient and spoiled for free entertainment in this city…wait, yes I am. Anyway, I've been forecasting the arrival of summer on Whassup for some time now -- because winter is a dreadful, slow death that saps my will to live. Also, free music! But I think, for Park Slopers, nothing signals summer quite like the Celebrate Brooklyn series. At least, for me, nothing does. So, go ahead and plan your pretentious Brooklyn picnics outside the gates. Welcome to Whassup: Celebrating Brooklyn Edition:
* Thursday, May 9: Celebrate Brooklyn Dance Party, BK Bridge Park: But, wait! You don't have to wait (until summer). Per usual, Celebrate Brooklyn revs up for the official summer months with a series of dance parties at the bridge. Tonight's the first one, with New Orleans funk from Big Sam's Funky Nation. 7pm, FREE.
* Friday, May 10-Sunday, May 12: Bayou & BK Music Fest, Jalopy: If Louisiana dance funk wasn't enough N'awlins for you, keep crawfishing all weekend at Jalopy, with a swamp's worth of Cajun and Creole music. Because perhaps the best thing about New York is all the chances it gives you to feel like you're somewhere else. Take advantage. It's going to get shittily hot down in those subway tubes before you know it. 5pm Fri., 12pm Sa-Su; $15-$20 per day, $40 weekend pass.
* Saturday, May 11: BK Bike Jumble, Old Stone House: Come pick up a new set of (old) wheels. The Jumble is a big mess of used bike vendors, and bike-related things So, I assume, you can purchase a complete disregard for traffic signals and pedestrian safety. Sorry, I don't like bikers. But, maybe you want to be one. Just promise you'll look both ways before blasting through the red light. 10am--4pm, FREE (to browse).
* Saturday, May 11: 90's Summer Jams Sing-Along, Union Hall: This is really the best way to welcome the summer months: sing a bunch of songs that kinda annoyed you in the '90's along with a bunch of sweaty other human beings. TLC! NSYNC! LFO! OMC! Notorious B.I.G.! Other groups that are not acronyms! 10pm, $8.
* Sunday, May 12: Inner Beauty Pageant, Littlefield: The quirky show creator behind quirky shows like Punderdome 3000 (a clear Whassup favorite) has created another quirky show. Filled with the same homemade, adorable ethos as the 'Dome, the Inner Beauty Pageant is just what it sounds like. There is talent, world peace questioning, and a comparison of kidney loveliness. It's all very funny and you will learn something. 8pm, $5-$7.
* Tuesday, May 14: Story Collider's 3rd Anniversary, Bell House: Combining two Park Slope institutions -- storytelling series and science shows -- Story Collider gives this nerdy 'hood just what it likes. And it's turning 3 this month, with a big blowout at Bell House, starring comedian Dave Hill, science writer John Rennie, and others. Come for the info-, stay for the -tainment. 8pm, $10.
* Thursday, May 16: Buzzard's Banquet Reading, Jackie's: It's yet another reading series -- but it's at Jackie's Fifth Amendment! I.E., an ACTUAL dive bar. Check it out, hipster transplants: it's what Brooklyn was like before we all got here. Also, live literature and music. That's cool, too. 8pm, FREE.
* SUMMER: Celebrate Brooklyn is far from the only free-outdoor-entertainment game in town this summer, of course. And here's a newcomer, just recently announced: Summer@MetroTech will bring Rooftop films, R&B from BAM, a World Science Festival exhibit, and other stuff. So, there's that, too. Just try to get fired from your job in time to enjoy all of this free summer goodness.