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Whassup: April Is the Foolest Edition

fools (via

When's the last time you put much effort into an April Fool's Day prank? Personally, not since I was a kid. Which seems like a shame. There are so many cruel ways to torment your loved ones as an adult. I hope you all take greater advantage than I have. Come on! Be mean little bastards to your friends on Monday! And if that's not enough entertainment, there's always the embarrassing wealth of fun things to do in Brooklyn to make up for it. Welcome to Whassup: April Is the Foolest Edition:

* Thursday, March 28: Googa Tix, Online: Tickets onsale RIGHT NOW! NOON! TODAY! GOOGA! So yeah, everybody's favorite festival of food and music that went off perfectly last year with no hitches whatsoever returns. You can buy tickets RIGHT NOW for the opening day kickoff concert by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and The Flaming Lips. (Who are cool and all, but I'm mostly excited about The Darkness. "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" you guys! Remember that?!) You can also nab tix today for a "VIP Cocktail Experience," but that sounds really douchey to me. (The giveaway for the main festival tix happens April 1-3). $49.50-$54.50 Kickoff Concert, $79.50 VIP Cocktail, Noon.

* Monday, April 1: Geek Love, powerHouse Arena (DUMBO): Where oh where can you go in Brooklyn to find bookish types who are into drinking and games? What's that? Anywhere in Brooklyn? Mayhaps, but a little organization makes the actual meeting of said persons a lot easier. Lit Crawl NYC uses wine and trivia to make that cute stranger's thick-rimmed glasses magically appear on your nightstand in the morning. 7pm, $15.

* Monday, April 1: Middle School Talent Nite, Glasslands (Williamsburg): Jo Firestone, of PunderDOME 3000, and Dylan Marron, of the NY Neo-Futurists, host a middle school dance and talent show for adults. Or, at least, the version of "adult" that is the 20-something Williamsburger in 2013 Brooklyn. (So. Not adults.) It promises to be a night of nostalgic awkwardness and the hilarity that attends. 8:30pm, $10.

* Tuesday, April 2: Geeking Out, Union Hall: Former FiPS managing editor Kerri Doherty got all Buzzfed to the Internets recently for a killer Girls-ing of Blossm. But you don't even need a modem to see her dorky brilliance. Simply look at her in real life at Geeking Out's celebration of superfandom. A lineup of comedians, actors, and writers share their stories of unbridled enthusiasm. 8pm-10pm, $5.

* Tuesday, April 2: Punderdome 3000, Littlefield: The day after April Fool's, you can let your guard down a bit. Your friends won't be laying hiLARIOUS traps for you, not any more than usual. And yet, you may still long for those jokes that elicit groans. Good thing Punderdome, NY's best amateur pun competition led by a Rodney Dangerfield impersonator, arrives April 2. Come yell about wordplay that pleases you. 8pm, $6-7. 

* Wednesday, April 3: Pretty Good Friends, Bell House: Having recently ceded the throne at the weekly "Pretty Good Friends" show at Union Hall, Eugene Mirman is taking back the scepter, Leno-style. For one show at the (bigger) Bell House, anyway. But the real attraction here, for me at least, is the voice of Archer and Bob of "Bob's Burgers." That's right, H. Jon Benjamin has a slot…in this lineup. He's joined by non-slouches, the amusingly (if you're so inclined) pedantic John Hodgman and the sleepy-eyed former "Daily Show" correspondent Wyatt Cenac. 8pm, $15.

* ONGOING: Red Hook, Red Hook: Red Hook! (Say it three times in front of a mirror, and a Baked cupcake will appear behind you.) One of my favorite 'hoods in Brooklyn is largely back after the crudstorm called Sandy, and those dinosaurs of print media across the river have noticed. You might have seen postings circulating this week of NY Times restaurant critic Pete Wells' discovery of Red Hook. Well, that's as good a reason as any to head over on the bus or your skateboard (subway don't go to Red Hook) and partake of lobster, key lime pie and even, if you must, Swedish meatballs (made from very little horse).  


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