Dude, Where's My Car? An Awful Journey in Getting My Towed Ride Back
If you find yourself looking for a parking spot on the corner of 5th Ave and 1st Street, driver beware.
On the side of the old Great Lakes building (and soon to be new wine bar, Terroir), is an incredibly deceptive parking spot. ure, it’s kind of near a fire hydrant, but there’s a parking sign right above it, which leads one to think it’s fair game. Plus there’s a yellow line near the hydrant, indicating as long as you’re behind the line you’re in the clear. But if you adhered to the yellow line rule you’d block this driveway that's there, and that would be no good for anybody. Lastly, know that you will nearly always find a car parked in this spot. I know this because my window looks out on it. You won’t be the full 15 feet from the hydrant, but who’s getting out the tape measure?
Certainly not me as I drove in circles in a downpour, with mom, sis and my very cranky co-pilots: Dexter & Morgan (my cats, not the likable serial killer). We were driving from Albany after the holiday break and had a car full of crap to unload, so naturally I was thrilled to find this spot empty for once. I marveled at my good fortune.