[Fips was there...] Bacon Takedown Takes Down My Arteries

We here at FIPS spend a hell of a lot of time out and about in Brooklyn, attending outdoor concerts, comedy shows and various other events. So [FIPS Was There...] is where we're gonna' talk about all this shit.
Hey guys, let's try an experiment. I'm going to say a word, and you try not to become aroused: "bacon." See! It's impossible. Even you vegans out there got a little drooly, didn't you? Last night, I partook of this most delicious of pig-derived staples at the Third Annual Brooklyn Bacon Takedown, a competition amongst the creations of 20 local chefs that bathed the Bell House in the tears of all Park Slope's vegetarians and most of greater Brooklyn's observant Jews.
And, oh my, the bacon. I'm currently more stuffed with it than a Congressional appropriations bill (OK, I'll stop with the bacon jokes. No, I won't. There's more pig inside my belly than the precinct headquarters on donut day. Too far? I agree). Upon entry, guests were greeted with some complimentary slabs of the salty stuff provided by representatives of Hormel, the corporate sponsors (I'll Occupy Wall Street AFTER I acknowledge that the money for big, fun events has to come from somewhere, thankyouverymuch).