[Fips Was There...] Raisin in the Sun At The Gallery Players
We here at FIPS spend a hell of a lot of time out and about in Brooklyn, attending outdoor concerts, comedy shows and various other events. So [FIPS Was There...] is where we're gonna' talk about all this shit.
Lately there's been some fierce debating going on Park Slope, and it’s not just the members of the Food Co-op who were just featured on The Daily Show. I’m talking about the Younger family of Chicago’s Southside, currently taking up residence at The Gallery Players in their production of A Raisin in the Sun.
This production of Lorraine Hansberry’s American classic, inspired by Hansberry’s own experiences growing up Black in Chicago, runs through this weekend. The details of the plot are surely familiar to most who have sat through a high school American literature course: Tempers flare as the Youngers each propose what should be done with the $10,000 life insurance check they’re about to collect. Walter Lee (Kwaku Driskell) wants to invest in a liquor store. Beneatha (a lovely Brittany Bellizare) wants to use the money to pay for her medical school. Lena (Hope Harley) wants to move the family out of the two-bedroom, basement apartment they share and into a house.