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Entries in Brooklynian Forum (43)


Target At Atlantic Terminal: Shitty AND Dangerous!

Apparently shoppers are getting frustrated enough with the empty shelves, non-existent shopping carts and garbage all over the store at the Atlantic Terminal Target that they've decided to just help themselves to your wallets and purses! Perhaps in protest!? From Brooklynian:

"Wife was shopping their Wednesday late afternoon. Her bag was in her cart, underneath stuff she was going to purchase. Someone grabbed the bag while she was perusing, rifled thru her wallet, grabbed her debit card, and chucked her wallet. She figured it out quickly, and we called to cancel the card before the thief used it. BE AWARE!"

For those of you that are new around this joint, you might have missed our undercover Atlantic Terminal Target video series back in the 08/09. Just in case, here it is:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

I have to say, I have returned to Target on several occassions since we did our original undercover series and it *has* been much better than it was  (I'm taking ALL the fucking credit for that, obvies). Also, I discovered the Target Pharmacy, which was kind of life-changing. However, based on the fact that:

  • the economy is still mostly in the shitter
  • people are riding around on their bikes stealing iPhones
  • my iPad was stolen right out of my motherfucking hands on the subway
  • Target is always full of angry, frustrated people who just want to get outta there and aren't paying attention to shit

I can totally believe that people are getting jacked there. So yeah, be careful. Safety first, ppl!

(via Brooklynian)


Rogue Midnight Arsonists Taking Over Park Slope?

This just in at FIPS HQ from reader Kristin:

So this was posted on Brooklynian an few hours ago:"Last night, around 4am, I heard two car alarms go off and then felt heat on my back. A car was completely on fire on 14th street between 6th and 7th avenues. Within minutes a fire truck came and put it out and then left. Then the car caught fire again and a fire truck came back and put it out. This afternoon I saw another car completely burnt out just down the block. My neighbors told me that five fires were set last night between 6th and 7th on 14th street. Does anyone have any information?"

The post as no responses yet. I live on 14th and this was the first I heard about it, but seeing as I live a block away from where these car fires were supposedly set (and my car is parked not far!) I have a selfish reason for wanting to know the scoop, but I'm sure other residents of South Slope would be very interested to know too."

Anyone have scoop? Do we have a rogue arsonist on the loose or all thse burning cars just a verrrry big coinkydink?

UPDATE: Just rec'd the following tip from FIPS reader Katie (as well as these kickass pics): I also live on 14th between 6th and 7th.  When we walked out yesterday morning there were two cars that were completely burned out as well as a bunch of other spots along the sidewalks...from burned trash cans. I called the police precint to see what happened since I couldnt' find anything online and apparently it was arson--some assholes just setting fire to trashcans (and apparently cars). Shitheads. 

Shitheads, indeed. Check this shizzy out:


Brooklynian Mod Smackdown: Shit Just Got Real

Honestly ppl, go pop some popcorn, roll a joint and fire up ur laptops, cause this thread: Brooklynian Apologizes For Bone-Headed Editing of Posts is this stuff my motherfuckin dreams are made of.

As all y'all know, my love/hate relationship with Brooklynian is long and distinguished (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID). Don't get me wrong: there is always way good shit on those boards and not everyone is a douche canoe, but also there is so much back-and-forth whiny-assed, self-important bitch sniping, it almost makes this blog look like the Holly Hobby Chronicles. And from my very casual observations, much of this redonkulus bitch slappery, comes straight from the moderators themselves.

I don't spend nearly enough time over there to truly understand how the fuck one becomes a mod, how many mods there are, or what the fuck these mods actually do, but one mod in particular seemed to get a leetle bit drunk with power when he decided to replace all mentions of our president as "Barry" (across a number of threads) to "President Obama."

Click to read more ...


BREAKING: The Gate Is Now A "No Stroller Zone" on Weekends (Also, We Officially Love The Gate)

photo via @meganlibrarian

So true: we've bitched about The Gate before, but those days are OVER folks. The Gate now joins Double Windsor as an officially FIPS endorsed bar.

For anyone keeping track, we started to change our tune during the whole Walter fundraiser sitch back in April--but this shit puts The Gate over the top:



Sorry Friends, owing to severe stroller and chair overcrowding as of late, we are now enforcing a NO STROLLER policy on WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS at The Gate

And no, ppl: the caps and underlines are NOT ours. Nice try.

So, no strollers + Walter fundraiser + they let us bring Ollie there and drink = WE FUCKING LOVE THE GATE.

Take note.

[sidenote: we should get some fucking window decals like Yelp, but instead they'll say FIPS ENDORSED].

(via Brooklynian)


Jay-Z & The Lyceum!?

Ok, this may be one of the single best, no way in fuck it could ever be true rumors I ever saw on Brooklynian:

"Any basis in fact the rumor I heard today that Jay Z is looking to buy the Lyceum?"


Dude's got 99 problems, but an old, falling apart building in Park Slope with no air conditioning ain't one.

I mean, right???

(via Brooklynian)

cc: Curbed