Be honest: you ate 11 billion calories worth of food at Thursday's Thanksgiving dinner, right? And you still can't really zip up your pants, right?
I thought so.
Well, the best way that I can think of to deal with this shit would be to hightail your ass on over to Priority Fitness's new group class studio which, lucky for you, opens TOMORROW.
They're offering special $10 classes (regular price is $19) throughout the whole week to celebrate. Here they are:
For info on exactly wtf "babiesynergy" is as well as all the other classes, you can click on over here where they layout the sked and explain it all. You can also buy 10 or 20 class packs if you're fancy like that.
If you're in it to win it, your best bet is to show up 10-15 mins before a class starts (you don't need to pre-book, but it's first come, first served) as class sizes are not gigantic.
Here's where all the magic happens:
411 7th Ave, between 14th & 15th
And if you happen to be more into one-on-one personal attention, you should totally check-out Priority's other location where you can get some pretty rad private training sessions (and I know what I'm talkin' about cause Ben at Priority helped me lose 20 lbs earlier this year).
So yeah, check em out. And tell them FIPS sent you.