Science-y Test Maybe Finds Old Locomotive Under Atlantic Ave...Maybe Not.

Photo from Locomotive Engines Upon Railways by DePambour, 1836
The Brooklyn rumor mill is reporting mumblings of a large, local cavernous tunnel filled with an unknown object, and no, I’m not talking about Kim Kardashian’s recently-announced pregnancy.
Special science-y tests have detected a large, 20 foot metal object, rumored to be a 19th century locomotive, far inside a half-mile long tunnel near Hicks Street. “It’s like finding a giant hoard of gold,” said Bob Diamond, founder of the Brooklyn Historic Railway Association. “That locomotive has been sitting there since the outbreak of the Civil War — it’s like a living piece of history."
Bob, a crazy railroad enthusiast, has been fighting tooth and nail with the Department of Transportation to reopen the tunnels and to excavate this piece of railway history. He claims it would fulfill his lifelong mission, adding, “I’m hoping that the city is going to realize what a great find this is … and use this as a world-class tourist attraction that has the potential to help revitalize the western end of Atlantic Avenue. This is our big chance to make something out of the tunnel and this amazing archaeological find.”
Well, I’m not sure about “world-class tourist attraction” or “our big chance” (it's no Colonial Williamsburg), but yes Bob, it would be a cool piece of NYC history for sure.
Another idea...maybe the city can excavate it and add some more service options to the G train because God knows we could use it.