Rite Aid: Let's Talk About These Comically Long Receipts
Posted by:
Kerri |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 8:30AM

A tablespoon, for size comparison
To the left you'll notice a receipt. This is what I walked away with after visiting the Rite Aid on 7th Avenue yesterday. Judging by the paper's length, one might assume that I cleaned house, racing down the aisles haphazardly tossing anything and everything into my cart like I was a contestant on Supermarket Sweep.
Know what I bought? A bottle of lotion, nail polish remover and vitamins.
That's it.
And yet here I am with this 30 foot receipt, which includes not one, but two reminders that it's "never too late" for me to get a flu shot.
Stop wasting paper, Rite Aid. Stop it now.
rite aid