Park Slope Craigslist Blotter

Oh captain, my captain. There's a poet society meeting in the Slope! They'll be meeting the first and third Thursdays at the Barnes and Noble. Suicide after your dad enrolls you in military school is strictly optional.
If I was a flower growing wild and free all I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee. This might be the most important post we've had on the Craigslist Blotter. This beekeeper is looking for some spots to keep their hives! Yo, bees are disappearing. If you have a roof you're not using, help them out.
Want to go to Boston for St. Patrick's Day? Or maybe return there to visit somebody a week after you were just there? This person is willing to share the ride. They offer to split the costs and provide mature company. Oh hubba, hubba. Stop! You're such a flirt.
Investors? Possibly you! This band swears they are about to get signed to major label deal. They just need a little dough to get them over the top. I don't know why. Equipment? Cocaine? Professional photographers? Feels a little like a scam.
These are bowling seats that have been reposted on Craigslist a few times. They are extremely beat up, bordering on broken, and I'm not sure they can stand on their own. It's kind of cool though. And free. Hit them up and take these ugly ass seats.
CASUAL ENCOUNTER: Birthday Surprise
Woman is surprising her beau with a three way. Most of us can't even get one girl to sleep with us, let alone two. Not bitter. Just saying. It's his 40th birthday. Be safe kids.
This person might have gotten too caught up in True Detective. It's not about the occult, bro. It's about the relationship between two people. He wants to fuck a witch. Big Hocus Pocus fan I guess.
Our weekly gym missed connection. If you're gay, single and not going to the gym every chance you get then you're wasting your time. Get down there, lock eyes with a cute dude and follow him in to the showers.
I don't really understand this post. Maybe one of you can help explain. I know what a "hairy top" is but what is Pits Top/Load? It sounds like a Laundromat. It's been a while since I've been to a Laundromat, since I wash my clothes at home now, but are men feeding their cocks to each other at them now? Guys, skip the gym. Go directly to the Laundromat. You'll thank me later.