Park Slope Craigslist Blotter

We feature these lost crap posts and what is the point? I guess I can relate to desperate people. I'm lost in the darkness, Breezy. If you see a flash drive that is totally non-descript and it hasn't been run over by a car, hit these people up. Remember in Airheads when the ex-girlfriend brings the tape to the radio station and it's been pissed on by some dog because she left it in the street? That's what I'm thinking for the flash drive.
When I hear "yogi" I'm still thinking "Hey Boo-Boo, let's go get us some picnic baskets." I'm stupid though. Yoga is big. Way big. Who hasn't met a yoga instructor? This seems like a creep post but I bet it's legit. Video editing is definitely one of those things where you have to show you can do it before somebody will pay you for it. This could be a good deal if you're looking to get your yogi career off the ground.
This looks like it could be from Games of Thrones. A Dornish coffee table right? Potential trivia team name: The Mountain(s) Have Eyes. And don't cry, that's not a spoiler since the book came out 10 years ago.
Is this a table edition of the Craigslist Blotter? LOL. Just some table humor ya'll. It's in Bushwick but it's free. So there is no guilt about putting it on your roof or in your backyard, Drew Carey style. Everybody wants to get good at pool too. Know how to get to Carnegie Hall? Take the F train to 57th. It's actually really easy from Park Slope!
MISSED CONNECTION: Visible Creep Bulge
This morning on the subway I got a seat. A small victory but a victory. Across from me was a man leaning his back against the pole. Arching himself slightly, he was stuck in a half hip thrust. At first I thought he was trying to show off a belt buckle but nope. He was in tight suit pants without any underwear on. I wasn't just seeing a bulge, I was seeing cock details. If I ran a sideways pencil back and forth over a piece of paper I placed on it I think I could have gotten a good trace. How many times back and forth before it's a sex act?
A recent new reader to the blog was asking me about the Missed Connections. I explained what I look for and what I avoid. I told her about the poetry posts. I think they're all pretty terrible but she said they sounded cool. Maybe I'm wrong. So I'm sharing one with you all this week. It's almost always the same guy and he says really creepy, cryptic things. This is different though. Or maybe it's the same guy and he just got better. They must have taken the F train to 57th street. How is that as far as callbacks go? Working for you? Be well. Have a great weekend Park Slope! Light!