Finally, a drinks menu just for you lady-folks
Posted by:
Adam |
Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 12:00PM

around. Really, we do. You smell of flowers, smile frequently, and generally make us merry with your
silvery, tinkling laughter and dainty ankles. That said, your companionship comes at a price. We have to
put our coats down on puddles for you, retrieve you from standing on chairs after seeing mice, and walk
on the outside of you while we chaperone you to the hat shop (oh, you and your millinery). We also like
to have the odd sherry with you every now and again, but the simple fact is that without the willpower
and fortitude of a man such behavior can lead to an inordinately high incidence of swooning and we
have to scoop you up and carry you back to your boudoir, one of your forearms artfully draped over
your eyes. How adorable of you.
Fortunately, the Clinton Hill outpost of Park Slope's Los Pollitos II is going to make all of our lives easier. The
derivatively named Los Politos III has come up with a special menu which puts in bold type a list of drinks
which are FOR LADIES (LESS ALCOHOL). Egads! Our long national nightmare of tipsy women-folk exposing
their knees is over! We know that whiskey, vodka, or even the working-man’s beer, heaven forbid, are
not to your liking, so The Chickens Three has helpfully provided you with the options of Kahlua, Bailey’s,
some red wine, or even Alizé in all its cupcake-frosting colors (we know how much you love those)!
Now hold on, you might say – what about us men? Ah, you ladies are always fussing to ensure we’re taken
care of. Given our iron-clad constitutions and in the name of gender equality, Chicken The Third has also
helpfully put together 50% more drinks that are FOR MEN (MORE ALCOHOL). More expensive, stronger
cocktails will ensure an agreeable experience for us, and there’s even an egalitarian FOR EVERYONE
(ALCOHOL) which includes the conventional and refreshing ‘Mojito,’ which we may both share with this
pair of candy-striped paper straws.
The management at Once, Twice, Three Times A Chicken states that in truth, anyone can order whatever they like, and that the drinks menu is just a tongue-in-cheek, humorous way of sparking conversation and promoting the restaurant. A hearty laugh all around, my dear (and a firm pat on the bustle for you)!