Louise Crawford Wants to Know: How "Slopey" Are You?

Louise Crawford has jumped over to Park Slope Patch, and luckily for us, she's serving up the same old boring crap that she's known for.
In this edition, she's put together a quiz to show you how "Slopey" you really are:
"What is a real Sloper, anyway? Aside from an address, it’s a tough thing to define. In my opinion, you should know some history of the place you call home and have a working knowledge of the people, places and things that make Park Slope Park Slope."
Cool grammar, guys.
While a little background knowledge about the history of your neighborhood is fine and dandy, we're not sure that knowing the year the Park Slope Food Coop was founded makes you a true Park Slope native so much as it just makes you nosy and uninteresting.
Here are our quiz questions for you to find out what make a true Park Slope resident...
1. Do you have a grandiose sense of self worth?
2. Do you have a worthless liberal arts education?
3. Do you have a lack of remorse or guilt for terrible things you've done in the past?
4. Are you willing to pay $15 for an organic strawberry?
5. Does your child know to order a "grass-fed Angus" burger instead of just a "burger"?
If you've answered "Yes" to at least 4 of those, you are the Park Slopiest Sloper in the Slope!
Also, FYI, two of the five questions are on the psychopathic personality test, so think about THAT for a minute.
Needless to say, our quiz questions were a little bit different than Louise's. Some of the questions she included are:
What was the original location of Zuzu’s Petals? Why did they move?
Name the principal of PS 321.
Who was Edwin Clarke Litchfield and where did he live?
Who is Zelda Victoria?
Answers to these burning questions are to be provided next week, and we know exactly what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Jesus Christ, I better call in sick all next week and wait for these answers to be posted because they are so interesting!"
You're more excited than you've been in months.
Take that gun out of your mouth, Park Slope, you have something to live for.