Labradoodles No Longer Welcome in Park Slope?

Actually, no...according to this recent post from a Park Slope rez: Labradoodle Owners: FUCK YOU.
Now, after our recent rant on dogs who are dicks, we read this post with rapt curiosity. Here's a little tasty nugget of the hate parade unleashed by our local anti-Labradoodle zealot:
Now, labradoodles aren’t bad dogs; it’s the owners who are fuckfaces. There’s a car in my neighborhood with a bumper sticker that reads — I swear to Christ this is real — “My labradoodle is smarter than your honor student.” Contemplate for a moment the layers of fucktardery it takes for someone to be such a dipshit. They feel the need to make a point with a bumper sticker, check. They want to brag publicly about what kind of dog they own, check. They think a dog-related riff on the “My kid can beat up your honor student” bumper sticker is funny, check. They are unaware of how badly I want to crush their face with a crowbar, check.
First of all: HAAAAAAAAAAA! Loves it.
Second of all: will you be our best friend?
Third of all: I'd like to propose the following hypothesis to the anonymous Labradoodle hater: it's not Labradoodles or Labradoodle owners....its LABRADOODLE OWNERS IN PARK SLOPE. That's the motherfucking x-factor here.
I mean, Stroller Nazis, Coopretards, and now Labradoodle Lunatics?
Coincidence? I think not.
(via Gawker)

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