It was a close fucking call.
Don’t let the non-violent nature of their crime fool you: These two horrible excuses for parents, who have kept their child’s gender a “secret” for the first five years of his life, have absolutely committed first-degree child abuse. Their actions are akin to locking a child in a closet for five years on account of not wanting to “submit him to the pressures of the outside world.”
These parents are such disgusting animals who have so backwardly disgraced the basic nature of humanity that they cause me to feel a visceral revulsion the likes of which I don’t even feel for Osama bin Laden.
Really? Worse than someone who flies planes into civilian office buildings?
Yes; I get a viscerally stronger reaction from these parents’ actions. The intensity of my reaction is fueled by the fact that these parents are directly hurting their own child in such a warped and twisted manner—and that this poor kid is utterly and irreversibly at their mercy.
Listen to his mother, this twat:
‘I wanted to avoid all that stereotyping,’ Miss Laxton explained yesterday. ‘Stereotypes seem fundamentally stupid. Why would you want to slot people into boxes?
‘Gender affects what children wear and what they can play with, and that shapes the kind of person they become. I start to get cross with it if it skews their potential.’
So, you didn’t want to skew your child’s potential, and to accomplish this you forced him to become totally ostracized by his peers, robbed him of a normal identity, and made him the subject of an international media circus?
Good lookin’ out.
Even nudists send their kids to school with clothes on. Who GIVES a fuck what ludicrous things YOU believe, you self-obsessed evil cocksuckers. Don’t make your KID into the retarded tl;dr blog entry that argues your boring, asinine thesis.
You are everything that’s wrong with this world, just like anyone who takes a religion, a cult, or politics and insists that other innocent people obey their idiotic tenets.
In fact, even the poor brainwashed four-year-old Palestinian child whose parents hold him on their shoulders in a suicide-bomber costume is better off. At least in that kid’s tiny perverted culture, such behavior is considered normal.
NOW, as to the death sentence I have withheld in this case: While I did LUST for the relief of knowing that these criminals had been executed, in the end, I realized that this punishment would only cause more harm to their beautiful child. (This is absolutely the saddest aspect of Stockholm Syndrome, no?) The point is, this kid has gone through enough, so I will ask lord Jesus to spare their worthless lives.
Poor kid. Maybe one day after a ZILLION years of therapy, you can cash in by writing a book about what fuckwads your parents were.