An Open Letter To Business Websites With Mood Music On Their Homepage

Dear business websites with mood music on your homepage,
Please, stop.
I come to your site to peruse a menu, look for directions or inquire about an apartment that I know I can't afford. While I can appreciate your love for Enya or smooth jazz, it literally does nothing for your business. You are not a musician. You are not selling music. If your goal is to repel, you may want to also consider employing the use of sparkly fonts and horizontal scrolling.
As a blogger slash bad prioritizer, I often have no less than 10 Internet tabs open at a time. I also listen to music while working. This is a bad combination for anyone who clicks on a website with home page mood music. It takes nearly a minute for me to realize that my own iTunes playlist is now being sneakily underscored by some Phil Collins muzak track. I frantically close all of my windows in an attempt to find the disruptive source. This commotion is good for no one.
You are thisclose to being a pop-up ad, business website with music on your homepage.
This. Close.