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FIPS Cares: Save a Dog, Cat, Chinchilla or a Mouse with Two Clicks of The Latter

Here are some of the animals up for adoption!

A nice FIPS reader named Jenna recently let us know that Sean Casey Animal Rescue, a nearby no-kill animal shelter, is a finalist for a funding grant from Chase Bank. They're looking to the community for votes to help win said funding grant, and the deadline is MIDNIGHT TONIGHT, so let's get on it!

Here's the rescue center's mission statement:

The purpose of this endeavor is to aid unfortunate animals in the interest of a higher quality of life. We take in rescued, confiscated, neglected, injured, ill, unmanageable, or otherwise unwanted animals from private owners, zoos, shelters, and other public organizations. These animals are cared for, and/or rehabilitated to the best of our ability and means until which time they can be found healthy, happy homes - whether it be through adoption to qualified candidates or legally released into habitats suitable to the specific species in conjunction with licensed wildlife rehabilitators.

You can help save animals without having to donate or adopt or even show up to the rescue center… just click to vote for this local business, and encourage your friends to do the same. If you're on Facebook, you can vote here. If you are a Chase Customer, you can also vote here.

Regardless, you should check this place out because it's a lot like Noah’s Ark. Or, perhaps more appropriately, Noah’s loading and unloading zone. Unlike many traditional rescue places that specialize in cats and/or dogs, SCAR takes in all creatures, great and small.  In the pet supply-looking shop, you’ll find, rescued and ready for new homes:


  • rabbits and rats
  • chinchillas and hedgehogs
  • fish and birds
  • snakes (not on a plane) and lizards
  • tiny kittens and handsome cats 


It’s somewhat delightfully disorganized, like a good old-school bookshop.  And what I really love is the fantastically diverse and ever-present group of volunteers, who range from eager teens to pet-loving adults.  If you adore animals but aren’t quite in the position to care for one, this can be a place you can give some love a few hours a week or month and get a few good licks in return.

And if you're in the market for a pet, you can’t walk though the place without a cat, dog, bird or other hairy little creature looking you in the eye, asking for love. 

To get to the Sean Casey Animal Rescue center, just overshoot Park Slope a couple of stops on the F/G and exit at Fort Hamilton PKWY.   I purposely do this from time to time because there’s a tiny gourmet deli founded by a former Manhattan high-end restaurant chef – Brancaccios – which serves up amazing food.  Otherwise, I’ve never really thought there was anything extra special in this nabe… just working class people doing their thing. 

Upon approach you’ll likely see a small mob of kids, which makes sense as you get closer.  This isn’t one address.  There’s a former printing store which is now home to dogs.  The adjacent store is full of pet supplies… and potential pets of other persuasions.  And next in line there’s a courtyard where tortoise roam and turtles swim.   You might also find a half dozen adults helping walk the dogs.  Or birds.

Until you're able to check it out, please do this wonderful organization a favor and vote for them to get more funding, because what they do is absolutely amazing. After that you can figure out the leash laws for a hedgehog in Prospect Park.


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