Dear Neighbor/Visitor: Why You No Park Efficiently? brings us this brilliant gem of a note placed on several violators’ vehicles around Park Slope by a vigilante resident that is CLEARLY fed up with the inefficient parking bullshit in this neighborhood.
Yes, it rambles on for bullet point after underlined, bold-faced bullet point (which is kind of hilarious when read aloud), but it also makes some pretty decent arguments -- like how we should be courteous and take five seconds to make sure our cars aren't taking up two spaces, especially since parking around here sucks balls sometimes.
The best part is the “additional comments” section at the bottom; oh, how I wish they weren't cropped out of the photo. Since we can’t read them, I’ve decided to share my favorite additional comments left by the StreetsBlog readers. Enjoy!
- “Dear Park Slope Resident / Car Owner: Thank you so much for posting this flyer all over the neighborhood and, yet again, demonstrating how utterly batshit insane the local bike lane opponents happen to be. With love and admiration, Your Neighbor.”
- “Where did they get this paper? Who has a printer that can handle 8.5 x 30 format?”
- “Rich white people problems.”
PS: I can't wait to read yours. Leave 'em in the comments.