Well, it's official folks: Allison is now a ginuwine BR-ALLER.
She joins an elite group of BREEDERS who somehow managed to avoid becoming totallyfuckingannoying zombie parents by holding on to some modicum of their former fun/cool lives, and/or maintained the ability to express original, non-helicopter parental thoughts from time to time (BR-ALLER-n. a BREEDER who's proven themselves to be cool enough that, despite their tendencies to procreate, can still maintain the basic principles of a BALLER attitude and lifestyle).
Cause, really, what's cooler than having your Park Slope Parents membership RE-FUCKING-VOKED after you've "violated their joining agreement!?" (A: not much). Behold:
"As you agreed when you joined and were recently reminded, membership in PSP is contingent on complying with the joining agreement, which includes a pledge not to forward messages from the list without permission. We see that you've violated that policy on a blog called "Fucked in Park Slope."
Your membership is hereby rescinded [insert loud, scary DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN music here]
The Park Slope Parents Advisory Board
Yes, this membership rovocation is all totally ridiculous bullshit, but that still won't stop me from saying a loud: Mazel Tov, Allison!
Truly, we could not be more proud!