2ND Annual Naughty Office Holiday Party: YOU IN IT TO WIN IT?

Yep, it's that time again my single BALLER bbs. You've worked hard, you've played hard, and now it's time to make out in the bathroom at the Bell House hard: cause obvies you're all coming to the 2nd Annual BK Hookup Naughty Office Holiday party! I mean, right???!!!
Home Base Supply Co. (We make it easy to score!©) cordially invites all of your hot, aerobicized asses to their 2nd annual Naughty Office Holiday Party, on Wednesday December 8th.
Sponsored by yours truly and Eaters Digest NYC, this party is gonna be off the muthafuckin hook.
Same dealio as last year: i.e. we fill the entire Bell House to the brim full of hot, single-n-ready to mingle BKers, you come and try to convince as many people as you can that you're not at all lame, then voila = MAGIC HAPPENS.
+ Free drinks from 7- 8. So, you can almost DEF be drunk by like 8:30 or so.
+ Hot-n-sexy Santas will be on hand to take X-mas Card Photos with all y'all...even the Jews. Home Base Supply Co. (We make it easy to score!©) is an EEO, btchz!
+ We've been collecting copies of all of your naughty photocopies (you didn't realize that every time you do that, we save a copy for ourselves, did you? YEP, we do...and we're talking to you Frank in Accounting and Louisa in the Mail Room...cause you guys are KINK-AY).
+ We're also gonna have some fab food, and lots of other suprises for you too, so stay tuned.
So yeah: again we want all of your single asses come on out and get busy doin all of the shit that would normally get you fired. All rules are off.