FIPS UNDERCOVER III: Target, Atlantic Center Mall [Worse Than A Pap Smear]

This is part three of our four part series in which we attempt to uncover, once and for all, why the hell Target at the Atlantic Center Mall sucks a big dick.
ICYMI, Here's part one and part two.
NEWSFLASH: it's February. Christmas was over a month and a half ago. Now Duane Reade wants you to buy their Walt Whitman variety pack, chalky conversation hearts and pink M&M's. Back in our fave-oh-reet retail establishment, however, they *still* seem to be "restocking their shelves." That Christmas rush must have been fierce.
Dear anyone who is still claiming this shit is all a fluke: F.U.C.K. Y.O.U.
We returned to Tar-ghetto this past weekend (same time, same place), for another afternoon of fun.
Again, please note: we have not manipulated or "reused" video in any way here. This place actually sucks Julian Schnabel's dick this hard.
Guys: even *we* are getting bored with this shit. I promise you, nothing would make us happier than to show up next weekend at Target and find stocked shelves, helpful employees, and plentiful shopping carts. These things are just nowhere to be fucking found.
* There's still no merch
* There's still garbage everywhere
* The employees still stand around doing nothing
[please don't make us go back there].
Stay tuned for part 4, our piece-de-resistence (coming up soon).
Catch up on our Target coverage:
+ Part II on Consumerist
+ Part II on Racked
+ Racked

Reader Comments (7)
You mean your gonna waste our time and your bandwidth with yet another of these? By now, don't we all know how you feel about the ghetto version of Tar-jay? Don't you got kids to play with? A wife? What goes?
Anon...guess you've never been to this Target. It sucks so hard I'd be happy to watch these videos every day for a month.
FIPS: next time get some footage of the insane checkout lines...
Whoever criticizes FIPS for continue to expose Target is either...
1) someone who has never experienced the frustration of making the long trip there for nothing.
2) someone whose standards for retail in the neighborhood are way too low.
3) a braindead douchetard who shouldn't post comments that deride the hard work and humor of the fine people who run this site.
Keep it up, FIPS. You guys are on Target, in more ways than one.
What qualifies as douchebaginess is anyone who would continue to shop at the Atlantic Center's Target knowing full well that it sucks. Why waste your time? Why this endless tirade?
Does Target, Inc. owe you anything?
Why not shop somewhere else? It's not that I don't agree that this store sucks, it's just that you have this almost martyrdom complex about it. Get a life. Buy your tube socks somewhere else.
thank you for documenting this. maybe if you keep posting these someone at target will notice. it's really, really awful. but there's not much of a choice if you want to go to target! i second the comment about the lines. can you document how you get in one line, they say it's closed, you switch to another, they say it's closed, then you switch to another only to notice that the first two never close. but other people who got there after you are allowed to check out.
Please, please, please, do something on the long ass check-out lines 40 people deep with a good 10 registers not openend.