Target @Atlantic Center Mall: The Seventh Level of Hell

This is a photo taken at the Atlantic Center Mall Target. Brownstoner wonders if this is a sign that there actually isn't a recession after all?
Those of us who regularly visit this particular Tarjay outpost know that these empty shelves have NOTHING to do with xmas, the recesssion, or anything else other than:
*This is, hands down, the most poorly run retail outpost of any store, a-n-y-w-h-e-r-e.
*Whomever is responsible for stocking their shelves does an earth-shatteringly horrendous job (ALWAYS).
*The employees of this particular store are all: clueless, wildly unmotivated, and generally pissed off at you for daring to enter their space and bug them whilst they fool around, steal shit and ignore people.
*If you haven't ever been there, you should never go there. EVER.
That's all.
(via Brownstoner).

Reader Comments (15)
apparently alot of people go to hell because this target is always busy and crowded enough to give me one long panic attack
If it wasn't a corporate chain store I would've sworn that place is a drug front like the old bodegas in the neighborhood used to be. I wonder if there's an employee exchange program with the fuckheads who run any Eckert pharmacy between Park Slope and Cobble Hill.
That's why I love this blog - you say things I've always thought and there are lots and lots of people who agree with you!
I nearly got beaten up at the weirdass pickup thingy there... you know, the one where they think you're going to steal their trolleys so they magnetically attach them to the store...
I vowed never to go back after that incident.
OMG for REAL. I keep going back there, thinking I might find the thing I'm looking for. I should know better by now, really I should, but it's so close to my apartment. It looms there, just a few blocks away, the concentric circles of its logo taunting me like a big red beacon of lies...
I totally agree - that Target is the worst Target I have ever visited. I can't believe that Target HQ didn't catch on to their poor inventory maintenance and crap-ass customer service by now. Just like Kyle, sometimes I go there with a fool's hope that they will actually have what I want...but the outcome is always the same - disappointment.
The checkout lines during rush hour make breadlines in Cold War Russia look short.
Maybe they'll have a new manager soon if the blogs circle the wagons!
Ahh! Exactly what I thought! That place is PURE hell! I went in for one small thing the other day, and as soon as I saw the lines, I literally dropped it and ran out.
Can we add Marshall's to this too?? I LOVE Target, I LOVE Marshall's - everywhere BUT Atlantic Center. Why is it the black hole that it is? I really would love to spend money there, Why don't they care? Sniff, sniff, oh why???
A word of warning: NOTHING in this Target store is ever labeled correctly, in terms of price. Always watch the monitors at the checkout to see what they charge you.
You know: I think we should write a collective letter to Target! Get as many sigs as we can and then send to Tarjay and publicize the hell out of it. It really is the worst place on earth. You bitches down?? (I'll do the legwork, of course)...
@dollymibella: Marshalls is horrendous too, but the reason its not on my list is because most of the Marshalls I've been too are horrible. At least with Target, you have a certain level of expectation re: what ur gonna get. So far, the Atlantic Center Mall one is the ONLY one I've ever been to where you don't get that typical Target experience.
It's almost as bad as the Macy's that used to be next door. I swear to god, I would be in Macy's and they would literally dump a bunch of something--like handbags--on the floor, in the middle of the aisle. No prices, not on a table, not on a shelf. On the floor.
That photo is perfect. Nothing on the shelves and 500 people waiting in line at the registers.
What do people see in Target? It's the same made-in-China shit that you would buy at Kmart or Conway or whatever, but because they hired a good graphic designer everyone thinks it's the shit. It's not. Shop local so your neighborhood can survive, and for everything else shop at Costco where they treat their employees better.
I like it when there's fights.
Go to the Brooklyn College Target! Much better.
This is a great expose! I suggest this be the first in a series. Perhaps you can hit the Post Office on 9th street or the Rite Aid on 5th Avenue next??
If you knew anything about anything you would know that the Atlantic Target store is #1 in the company (1700 stores). Also I like how you certain isle but have NO idea whats going on in the departments your showing. It seems to me that you and your boy friend are 2 bored Caucasians (not a racial comment, just a comment to the people taking these video to let them know we know) and yes we know who you are LOL bet you didn't think we did huh... Good luck trying to bring this target down we are making sooo much money in 09 its ridiculous...
Oh and one more thing, why don't you tell the people that you shop and spend money at the Atlantic terminal Target. Should we post the videos of you folks checking out having a good ol time in the target you try and degrade?