'You noticed me noticing you'

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I'm all married-n-shit, but still; missed connections are fun! And this one came through on my RSS reader, so I couldn't resist. I'm praying that the subway dude with the loafers w/the flip flop soles (!?) was wearing something *slightly* more interesting than a Yankees hat, but whatevs.
We both got off the R at Union St Monday around 10:30 - w4m (Park Slope)
Date: 2009-10-27, 12:32PM EDT
Long shot but I figure our paths will likely never cross again and that is disappointing, so here I am. We were both on the R train Brooklyn bound from lower Manhattan last night around 10:30. You were tall and wearing a blue baseball hat and those loafers with flip flop soles. I'm the brunette that was with 3 friends. You noticed me noticing you. When we got off the train you turned around and we made eye contact. I should've followed and said hi, but I'm not generally the stalker type. But I thought you were really cute and it makes me sad to think how many times we miss out on making meaningful connections because subway culture is decidely unsocial. If by some outside random chance you see this, drop a line and say hi. To weed out creeps, tell me what was on the hat...