WHO GIVES A SHIT: Where Do You Get Your Hair Cut?

So, I cheat on my normal hairstylist for a simple trim and what do I come away with? Bangs that make me look like I'm flirting with some sort of horrible Bettie Page time warp. And no, I can't recover any charm in the situation now that I've been told, "Yeah, you've definitely looked better."
I'm not going to name the stylist or shit on his/her reputation because I'm fairly certain we just had a (massively epic appearance-aleringly bad) miscommunication, but needless to say I'm looking to move on. And not just to another person at that salon--this was the second stylist I'd tried at this particular Slope establishment, of which I adore the atmosphere, staff, prices, and general upscale-ness, so naturally, I'm disappointed. But clearly, we're just not on the same (Bettie) page.
So, I pass the torch to you, ladies: Where do you go in the 'hood to get your hair cut? I have my ninja-levels-of-awesome-fancy-stylist at a salon embarrassingly far from Brooklyn (read: literally in another state), but I need to find a new place where I can go to make sure I avoid the wet dog look on a monthly basis when my bangs take over my face.
Suggestion box open.