WHO GIVES A SHIT: What Do You Work-From-Homers Do To Stay Social?

We recently received this email from a FIPS reader:
I figured the awesome FIPS staff might know this answer: I have been working from home for the past 6 months and just realized I really miss having co-workers. Do you know if there are any official (or under the radar) groups of fellow Park Slope work-from-home-rs that get together to hang on their "lunch breaks"? My cat is cool and all but I think she's tired of listening to me talk to her. Thanks for the leads if you've got 'em!
Technically I "work from home," but since I have nary a house plant to care for, let alone a french bulldog or small bebe, rarely do I actually work INSIDE my tiny apartment. Instead I take my ass to Tea Lounge (or on occasion Sit & Wonder Cafe where I sit... and wonder. About that name). And while it's not the same as breaking for an hour to formally socialize with my fellow Slopers, I HAVE gotten to know the TL regulars and staff (Hey Rex, Josh and Ian!), which makes me feel a LITTLE less like an anti-social hermit.
What do you work-from-homers do to stay sane during the work day? Does anyone know if an organized lunchtime group exists in the nabe? (Unless the first rule is to say nein, in which case ROP-DAY me an OTE-NAY on the OWNLOW-DAY)